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Blog about how knowledge is power, and the need to decrease risk and ensuring data security

Knowledge is Power: Decreasing Risk and Ensuring Data Security


Data protection has never been more important than it is at this very moment. And for good reason. Cybersecurity risks have evolved exponentially in recent years with more sophisticated methods being used to target every industry, businesses large and small. Add to that a global pandemic, supply chain and labor shortages, and unrest in Eastern Europe and data protection becomes imperative.  

What some may not be thinking about on a regular basis is how this impacts your incentive, MDF, and overall channel infrastructure. You’re thinking about it now, aren’t you? All those connection points and data. Important? Yes. Complex? Definitely. Impossible? No.

Not only has data protection become a more complex issue than ever before, it’s become an “everyone problem” with vast implications reaching far beyond just IT departments. And as data breaches become more sophisticated, organizations of all shapes and sizes – and the vendors they work with - are challenged with ensuring data security and privacy procedures are being followed.

Here’s what you need to know about data protection compliance and why certifications like SOC 1, SOC 2, and ISO 27001 are a critical element in decreasing risk and bolstering the security of your organization's sensitive data.

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know…

When organizations onboard new software solutions that involve the exchange of data back and forth, they’re required to ensure the vendors and providers they work with can properly protect that information. But the reality is, many SaaS companies who do custom development often aren’t compliant. Or, they claim compliance because the environments they host on, like AWS or Azure, are compliant. But just because their infrastructure may be SOC 2 compliant doesn’t mean their business processes and software systems are. In other cases, a SaaS provider simply may not understand that data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA exist and their implications. The bottom line is, if you’re evaluating or re-evaluating solutions, you must consider data protection obligations. Ensuring that the solution providers you engage with are SOC 2 and/or ISO 20071 compliant is one of the best things you can do to make sure your customer's data is safe.

SOC 2 and ISO 27001 in a Nutshell:

Based on the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Trust Services Criteria, SOC 2 is an in-depth examination to assess and validate the implementation of best practices around corporate infrastructure, internal processes, data management, data privacy and security. Similarly, an ISO 27001 certification demonstrates that an organization proactively invested in the people, processes, and technology (e.g., tools and systems) to protect their organization's data – also requiring an independent, expert assessment of whether data is sufficiently protected.

Both independent assessments verify that 360insights has in place the internal controls that meet and exceed the criteria for security, availability, processing integrity and confidentiality, and that they’re operating effectively.

How 360insights Can Help:

Not only do our clients need to trust the reliability of the 360 solutions, they need to have full confidence that proper security controls and measures are in place and being maintained. 360insights’ SOC 2 and ISO 27001 certifications provide just that – peace of mind for our customers and their auditors. With these certifications, 360 clients can fully understand how we protect our clients’ and their customer’s data, including the controls and processes in place to maintain security and compliance.

“Unlike other organizations that claim they’re SOC 2 compliant because they host their services on AWS and/or Azure, 360insights has gone above and beyond to ensure that every part of our company, from products to processing, is fully compliant and now officially certified,” said Jason Atkins, Founder & CEO of 360insights. “Security and privacy have been a priority and a part of our platform since day one. We’ve never taken our eye off the ball and will continue to invest heavily in maintaining the highest level of data security for our customers.”

Learn more about how evolving data protection challenges, supply chain interruptions and labor shortages impact your incentive, MDF, and overall channel infrastructure through this informative videocast.

Learn more about 360insights.