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Blog about powering-up for seamless partner ecosystem management

Power-Ups for Seamless Partner Ecosystem Management


In order to flourish, vendor organizations are turning to new ways of optimizing channel partnerships by simplifying and streamlining how they manage, support and enable their partners. 

The convergence of partner ecosystems has substantially increased partner count, calling for a more intelligent and intuitive experience that automatically connects partners to the people, information, tools, and system resources they need to get the job done - without friction 

Here are 3 Power-ups for improving partner ecosystem management. 

Power 1 – Collaboration and Productivity

Collaborative channel partner platforms are designed to increase vendor: partner sharing, adoption and participation in business efforts. In turn, this helps drive increased knowledge, productivity and time to revenue across all segments.    

Modern cloud sharing platforms and channel technology that integrate communications, promotions, incentives, fund management, training, resources, CRM and data - in an easy-to-use one hub solution –offer best-in-class provision to exchange information, build relationships and drive sales.  

All channel incentives can be integrated (Spiff, sales incentives, rebates, MDF, Co-Op advertising, deal registration) transforming disparate offerings into frictionless engagement mechanics that deploy the right mix, level, and cadence to improve productivity and performance. 

With automated workflows and predetermined business processes program creation, customization and modification is also enabled at pace and scale.  This saves time and resource - for vendor and partner users alike - to address markets more rapidly and boost revenue results. 

Power 2 – Personalization and Engagement                                                       

Channel partner platforms with unique personalization capabilities allow vendors to reach new levels of revenue generating engagement. By combining end-to-end channel incentives automation with partner ecosystem management technology organizations can communicate more personally to multi-partner types across their ecosystem and drive a whole new level of partner engagement by: 

  • Empowering every member of the partner ecosystem with a personalized view of their relationship including all pertinent content and resources. 
  • Connecting users to relevant updates to drive the right behavior with the right person in real time. 
  • Enabling easy to execute transactional operations across claim submissions or tracking payments with rewards, MDF and rebates activities. 
  • Delighting users with high impact digital storefronts (shops, gamifications etc) to maximize relationships. 

Power 3 – Insights and Data

Unified channel technology platforms support a better understanding of partner engagement and activity because they allow real-time cloud sharing of components and data to provide organizations with a holistic view of partner performance. 

On-demand visibility of consumption, participation and performance data (pulled from already-in-use systems: incentive modules, promotions, CRM, data warehouses, PRMs, web extensions and apps) permits faster user behavior manipulation to key business drivers.  This in turn allows an alignment of more considered actions and go-to-market plans because a fuller picture of partners efforts, results, strengths and weaknesses is enabled. 

You can then focus more time on where things are working, where adaptions are needed or relationship building is required.  Basically enabling you with more seamless partner management for better business success. 

Want more on this subject? Check out more on channel ecosystem management and orchestration here.